As you can see in previous posts, I love color. I use it like crazy. But did you know my first few paintings in The Fury of Exponential Energy series had a very limited color palette? That's right. I went to the studio to draw that day back in 2009 or 10, and found all my materials (excluding the paper and brushes I brought) LOCKED AWAY IN THE STORAGE ROOM. It was the end of the world.
Of course, I panicked. I had no access to my paint, charcoal or ink. What a nightmare!!! I began to prowl around the classroom, sniffing for supplies. I was lucky to have found charcoal and white and reddish brown pastels hanging out in the dusty easels. I borrowed some yellow anything from a friend and finally began to draw. Thus, the series was born.
Why am I telling you this? Because it hit me the other day that I never go back to those limited colors/shades, and probably should. So I started some new sketch work for some new paintings! Luckily I have an abundance of paper, so I can make every one. Here are the sketches!
What do you think? Black and white or color? Should I stick to what everyone is used to, or go back to my roots? Let me know in the comments. Love ya!
All content is Copyright 2012 Lee Savage.
the colors suit you more but i love this film noir vibe the black and white have.