Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Long time no post

Sheesh. I've been bonkers over here, getting my life together as it falls apart in my hands like tiny grains of sand. I've been writing, working, getting a job at an ART GALLERY (WHAT!) and being okay in general. So...thought I should give y'all an update. OH! Also, I was invited to show my work in a gallery in MA, so deets on that soon. Good night, art bros.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Greystone Maverick is the title of my novel, and no, you can't have it.

Okay, so, you all know how I wanted to be a published author? I am working on one right now and here's the website for it. You should probably go follow it or something. Yeah. It's gonna be cool. And you're gonna read it. Right? Right.

All content seen here or there is Copyright Lee Savage, 2013.